Does This Work For You?
28 January 2018
Presented by M1 Singapore Fringe Festival
Written and Directed by Irsyad Dawood
Dramaturg by Myer Wong
Music by Matthias Teh En
Cast: Coco Wang Ling, Andre Chong, Joan Dwiantarto, Ashvine Naray Pandian, Rebecca Ashley Dass
How old are you? What languages do you speak? What's your marital status? Do you think you can keep up? Does this work for you? Does This Work For You? is a physical theatre production that discusses discrimination within the workplace and the ability to triumph in the face of challenges.
Paired with the form of verbatim theatre, the work invites you to take a closer look at the Singapore workplace environment and aims to recalibrate the way we view social norms and stigmas.
“Irsyad has done well to find a good flow and pace to bring all these stories together...into a capable, accessible production that feels fresh in its presentation of a familiar topic and polished in its execution. ”
Bakchormeeboy, Theatre Reviewer
Irsyad Dawood
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