Kids’ Gifts, COEs and Roast Duck

Presented by Centre 42, Singapore International Festival of Arts

Written & Directed by Irsyad Dawood

Performed by Genevieve Tan, Ashley Ru, Joshua Elias

Two people get lost on their way to a friend’s kid’s birthday party. They talk about some things. There is a goose. There is roast duck.

Headline Acts is a fun and informal reading series open to writers of all experience levels wishing to showcase plays or scenes. The only rule is, each work is a short (10-15 minutes) dramatic pieces that respond to recent headlines.

For this special SIFA edition of Headline Acts, part of Centre 42's group show ***SIFA-X:* *there is no future in nostalgia***, we are turning our attention to that special dynamic between new and old, past and future. And so we're asking all participants to respond to a headline of their choice from 30 years ago - in the year 1993.

Watch it here!

“Irsyad's play for Headline Acts totally demolished the audience... It was SO CRAZY and funny and perfect. There was a talking goose.”

- Joel Tan, W!LD RICE Artist-in-Residence

Irsyad Dawood



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